Jealousy Jealousy is defined as a jealous resentment against a rival or against a person enjoying success or an advantage. Jealousy often occurs when a boy gets a girl that another one of his friends has been trying to get for a while. That friend becomes jealous and will often try to find a way to get redemption. Jealousy occurs every day and is often the reason friendships are broken and fights occur. Most people are also jealous of the rich who have nice things. They feel sorry for themselves when they see a man or woman drive by in nice clothes and maybe even a

nice car that they have dreamed of owning and become jealous. Hard work is the key to success and im sure that person driving by in the nice car doesn't sit around and feel sorry for themselves but instead works hard to be successful.
Jealousy cannot be controlled because it is an emotion that occurs inside of everyone, but what can be controlled is how a man or woman lets there jealousy of someone effect them. If a person has good character they will just take it how it is and move on when they become jealous or someone. Fights that occur due to jealousy may make a perso

n feel they got there redemption or payback, when really they just found a way to take there anger out on someone else. In many novels, jealousy often leads to the death of those who are more fortunate and live a successfull life. Jealousy occurs every single day and will continue to occur everyday, but what is different in every case of jealousy is how the affected person reacts and controls their emotions.