Throughout the novel The Great Gatsby there is a common theme of unrequited love portrayed. Of all the occurances where unrequited love is abundant there are two scences in the novel where it is most obvious. The first scene includes Gatsby’s unrequited love for Daisy. This was when Gatsby reveals his and Daisy’s affair to Tom. Tom explains that him and Daisy share something that Gatsby will never understand. Tom is more than right about this and Gatsby’s heart is forever broken. Gatsby now has to live with unrequited love and hide’s his intense emotions.
The next scene where a heart is forever broken is when Myrtle breaks her husbands heart through infidelity. Then Myrtle husband also never receives an opportunity to win his wife’s heart back because she is murdered. This unrequited love is more horrible than Gatsby’s and can forever ruin a man. Unrequited love takes a heart and rips it to shreds because the man or women whom someone loves is unable to return those feelings. Obviously, unrequited love in this novel is apparent. 

Good post 75/75