There are many versions of the film The Great Gatsby out there that all reflect the famous novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. These films all have different actors and actresses and portray the events that took place during the book but in different ways. This novel was a cl
assic and the movies were made to give more of a visual of what was being talked about in the text.

In all of the films Gatsby is seen as a very rich man but also mysterious. Daisy is a young beautiful girl who is full of energy and excitement. Jordan Baker is charming but also has something about her that Nick loves. Tom Buchanan is a big hulking man that has an afair with the unhappy Myrtle Wilson. The Gatsby mansion is beautiful and the parties thrown are very elegant and enjoyed. There were many movies made that each used there own way to act out the drama that unfolds in the novel.

Source: The Great Gatsby novel
Talk about the specific versions. 70/75